my little pony fighting is magic my little pony fighting is magic

Diamond Rose appeared on Hasbro's Corporate Social Responsibility site before the first toy of her was listed on their My Little Pony site.Displays seen during a party at Hasbro's world headquarters, during the Hong Kong Licensing Show and at a British Toys "R" Us store featured Princess Cadance and Shining Armor before their debut in " A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1". my little pony fighting is magic

In the Comic-Con 2011 poster ◊/ desktop background, the rightmost pony in the Twinkling Balloon is Pipsqueak, who wasn't introduced until " Luna Eclipsed".Sweetie Belle also appears briefly at the beginning of " Call of the Cutie" due to an animation error, where an anonymous pony based on her model should've been shown.The Cutie Mark Crusaders - Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle - appear huddled together for a short moment at the end of the first episode (Apple Bloom had already been introduced earlier, but the other two wouldn't officially meet her until Episode 12). my little pony fighting is magic

  • Snips and Snails showed up as thieves in the Flash game Adventures in Ponyville on the Hub's website before their first appearance on the show.

  • my little pony fighting is magic