Diamond Rose appeared on Hasbro's Corporate Social Responsibility site before the first toy of her was listed on their My Little Pony site.Displays seen during a party at Hasbro's world headquarters, during the Hong Kong Licensing Show and at a British Toys "R" Us store featured Princess Cadance and Shining Armor before their debut in " A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1".

In the Comic-Con 2011 poster ◊/ desktop background, the rightmost pony in the Twinkling Balloon is Pipsqueak, who wasn't introduced until " Luna Eclipsed".Sweetie Belle also appears briefly at the beginning of " Call of the Cutie" due to an animation error, where an anonymous pony based on her model should've been shown.The Cutie Mark Crusaders - Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle - appear huddled together for a short moment at the end of the first episode (Apple Bloom had already been introduced earlier, but the other two wouldn't officially meet her until Episode 12).